Thank you for choosing the ScorpionTrack M-Series S7 – designed and manufactured by Scorpion Automotive. The ScorpionTrack M-series S7 is an advanced vehicle tracking solution providing full journey history as well as alerting you of a potential theft and tracking your vehicle if stolen. The ScorpionTrack M-series S7 includes the following key features:
- Continuous monitoring of your vehicle for unauthorised movement via the Scorpion Automotive Monitoring Centre
- Police Approved stolen vehicle tracking operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Accreditation to the Thatcham TSC standard – which is recognised by all main UK insurers
- Full journey history recording, uploaded online every 2 minutes
- Comprehensive customer services provided by Scorpion Automotive.
Your Immediate Action Required
In order to ensure our ability to action our stolen vehicle recovery procedure, it is of utmost importance that you check and update all required information in your online account, details of which have been emailed to you as part of the installation routine. If you need assistance in logging in to your account you can contact our Customer Services Team on 01257 249928 between 08:30 and 17:00 Monday to Friday. In the event of any future change to your contact details or a vehicle registration change, please Customer Services Team on 01257 249928.
Alarm & Theft Procedure
ScorpionTrack S7 continuously monitors your vehicle for signs of potential theft. The response from the Scorpion monitoring centre will vary depending upon the manner in which your vehicle is stolen:
- Your vehicle is moved without the ignition being detected or the battery is disconnected: The ScorpionTrack S7 system will automatically raise an alert to our monitoring centre indicating a possible theft situation. You will then be contacted to confirm the theft of the vehicle or if you cannot be contacted then your secondary contacts will be used. If a theft is confirmed, we would ask you to contact the Police to obtain a crime reference number, then contact our 24/7 monitoring centre on 01257 240945 quoting this reference, whereby we will confirm your identity and commence working with the authorities in tracking your vehicle.
- Your vehicle is stolen with keys: In the event of your vehicle being stolen with its keys, the system will not alert. It is your responsibility to notify the ScorpionTrack Monitoring Centre of the theft at the earliest opportunity. In this instance, please contact the Police first to obtain a crime reference number, then contact the 24/7 Monitoring Centre on 01257 240945 quoting this reference, whereby we will confirm your identity and commence working with the authorities in tracking your vehicle.
In any of the above scenarios we will keep you up to speed with any developments.
An emergency user card has been supplied in your welcome pack which contains all contact details and procedures in the event of a theft occurring. We strongly advise you to keep your emergency user card upon your person (not your vehicle) at all times.
Transporting & Servicing Your Vehicle
In order to avoid false alerts when your vehicle is being transported or serviced, please use the ‘Contact’ option in your online account, via the ScorpionTrack app or call our ScorpionTrack Support Team on 01257 249928 to advise of the times and locations at which your bike will be transported or the name and address of the dealer at which the service is being undertaken. If a theft does occur during this period of time, contact us immediately after reporting the theft to the police.
In order for your vehicle to be protected, an active monitoring subscription is required. For details of how to pay your monitoring subscription, please log-in to your online account at: https://driver.scorpiontrack.com/ or alternatively, contact our Customer Services Team on 01257 249928.
Please note: The minimum 12 month term subscription is due immediately upon fitment of the ScorpionTrack S7. Without an active subscription your vehicle is not protected and you will not be alerted should a theft occur.
Additional Information
For a comprehensive copy of the User Guide and to log-in to your online account, please visit: https://driver.scorpiontrack.com and enter the username and password details you will have received during the registration process.