Scorpion Upgrade Programme FAQ

Scorpion S5-VTS Warranty Upgrade Scheme

What’s the difference between my current tracker and the new one?

The tracker we are offering as part of the upgrade scheme conforms with the latest Thatcham accreditation available, S5-VTS. The S5-VTS standard was developed to combat vehicle thefts where the vehicle is stolen without the keys,either by Key Relay or OBD port theft. If your current vehicle electronics were tampered with, it would alert our 24/7 monitoring team however Key relay and OBD port theft don’t require tampering with vehicle electronics, with the S5-VTS standard if the vehicle is stolen without the keys being present it would instantly alert our monitoring team meaning we can start recovery of your vehicle instantly. You also benefit from our new passive driver tags – no more charging. The fobs operate on an internal battery that needs replacing every 2 years and you can replace yourself.

Optional Immobilisation

The S5-VTS standard no longer makes immobilisation a requirement and is not included with the standard S5-VTS upgrade. We can offer immobilisation as an extra, please contact us on for more information.

Your current subscription

If you have a current ScorpionTrack subscription then we will be happy to transfer your existing subscription across to your new tracker. The renewal for the S5-VTS is £129, a saving of £70 a year.

Expired subscription

Even if your current subscription has expired we will be happy to honour the upgrade however the tracker will not work until a subscription has been purchased for the vehicle.

Install process

  1. Purchase the tracker upgrade at
  2. Our installation partner will contact you to arrange installation at a time and place convenient to yourself.
  3. The installer will arrive with the tracker, remove the old one and replace it with a brand new unit.
  4. You then contact the Scorpion Subscription team to move your subscription across to your new tracker or if your subscription has expired, purchase a new one at the new price of £129 a year or £12.90 a month.

Please note. due to current coronavirus restrictions, we expect installations to commence from the 13th July.

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